

  • publication

    Impact of amyloid-like ovalbumin fibril consumption on health-related markers: An in vitro approach

    Trui Luyckx, Charlotte Grootaert, Jan A. Delcour, Joëlle A.J. Housmans, Frederic Rousseau, Joost Schymkowitz, Sebastien Carpentier, John Van Camp
    Food Research International vol 208
  • publication

    Development and evaluation of Hsp90-targeting nanobodies for visualisation of extracellular Hsp90 in tumours using PET imaging

    Valeria Narykina, Janke Kleynhans, Christopher Cawthorne, Joost Schymkowitz, Frederic Rousseau, Guy Bormans
    EJNMMI Radiopharm Chem . 2025 Feb 21
  • publication

    Native Fold Delay and its implications for co-translational chaperone binding and protein aggregation

    Ramon Duran-Romaña, Bert Houben, Paula Fernández Migens, Ying Zhang, Frederic Rousseau, Joost Schymkowitz
    Nat Commun . 2025 Feb 15
  • publication

    Co-translational protein aggregation and ribosome stalling as a broad-spectrum antibacterial mechanism

    Laleh Khodaparast, Ladan Khodaparast, Ramon Duran-Romaña, Guiqin Wu, Bert Houben, Wouter Duverger, Matthias De Vleeschouwer, Katerina Konstantoulea, Fleur Nysen, Thomas Schalck, Daniel J Curwen, Lisandra L Martin, Sebastien Carpentier, Bernard Scorneaux, Jan Michiels, Joost Schymkowitz, Frederic Rousseau
    Nat Commun . 2025 Feb 12
  • publication

    FoldX Force Field revisited, an improved version

    Javier Delgado, Raul Reche, Damiano Cianferoni, Gabriele Orlando, Rob van der Kant, Frederic Rousseau, Joost Schymkowitz, Luis Serrano
    Bioinformatics . 2025 Feb
  • publication

    Structural commonalities determined by physicochemical principles in the complex polymorphism of the amyloid state of proteins

    Silvia Errico, Giulia Fani, Salvador Ventura, Joost Schymkowitz, Frederic Rousseau, Antonio Trovato, Michele Vendruscolo, Francesco Bemporad, Fabrizio Chiti
    Biochem J . 2025 Jan 22
  • publication

    Composition and liquid-to-solid maturation of protein aggregates contribute to bacterial dormancy development and recovery

    Celien Bollen, Sofie Louwagie, Femke Deroover, Wouter Duverger, Ladan Khodaparast, Laleh Khodaparast, Dieter Hofkens, Joost Schymkowitz, Frederic Rousseau, Liselot Dewachter, Jan Michiels
    Nat Commun . 2025 Jan 26


  • publication

    pTau pathology in the retina of TAU58 mice: association with ganglion cell degeneration and implications on seeding and propagation of pTau from human brain lysates

    Grzegorz Walkiewicz, Alicja Ronisz, Simona Ospitalieri, Grigoria Tsaka, Sandra O Tomé, Rik Vandenberghe, Christine A F von Arnim, Frederic Rousseau, Joost Schymkowitz, Lies De Groef, Dietmar Rudolf Thal
    Acta Neuropathol Commun . 2024 Dec 20
  • publication

    Emergence of the B.1.214.2 SARS-CoV-2 lineage with an Omicron-like spike insertion and a unique upper airway immune signature

    Andrew Holtz, Johan Van Weyenbergh, Samuel L Hong, Lize Cuypers, Áine O'Toole, Gytis Dudas, Marco Gerdol, Barney I Potter, Francine Ntoumi, Claujens Chastel Mfoutou Mapanguy, Bert Vanmechelen, Tony Wawina-Bokalanga, Bram Van Holm, Soraya Maria Menezes, Katja Soubotko, Gijs Van Pottelbergh, Elke Wollants, Pieter Vermeersch, Ann-Sophie Jacob, Brigitte Maes, Dagmar Obbels, Veerle Matheeussen, Geert Martens, Jérémie Gras, Bruno Verhasselt, Wim Laffut, Carl Vael, Truus Goegebuer, Rob van der Kant, Frederic Rousseau, Joost Schymkowitz, Luis Serrano, Javier Delgado, Tom Wenseleers, Vincent Bours, Emmanuel André, Marc A Suchard, Andrew Rambaut, Simon Dellicour, Piet Maes, Keith Durkin, Guy Baele
    BMC Infect Dis . 2024 Oct
  • publication

    A core proteome profile unites mouse models and patients in Alzheimer disease

    Tsaka G, Rousseau F, Schymkowitz J
    Cell Rep Med. 2024 Aug 20
  • publication

    An end-to-end approach for single-cell infrared absorption spectroscopy of bacterial inclusion bodies: from AFM-IR measurement to data interpretation of large sample sets

    Wouter Duverger, Grigoria Tsaka, Ladan Khodaparast, Laleh Khodaparast, Nikolaos Louros, Frederic Rousseau, Joost Schymkowitz
    J Nanobiotechnology . 2024 Jul 10
  • publication

    Pharmacological modulation of septins restores calcium homeostasis and is neuroprotective in models of Alzheimer's disease

    Katrien Princen , Tom Van Dooren, Marit van Gorsel, Nikolaos Louros, Xiaojuan Yang, Michael Dumbacher, Ilse Bastiaens, Kristel Coupet, Shana Dupont, Eva Cuveliers, Annick Lauwers, Mohamed Laghmouchi, Thomas Vanwelden, Sofie Carmans, Nele Van Damme, Hein Duhamel, Seppe Vansteenkiste, Jovan Prerad, Karolien Pipeleers, Olivier Rodiers, Liese De Ridder, Sofie Claes, Yoni Busschots, Lentel Pringels, Vanessa Verhelst, Eveline Debroux, Marinka Brouwer, Sam Lievens, Jan Tavernier, Melissa Farinelli, Sandrine Hughes-Asceri, Marieke Voets, Joris Winderickx, Stefaan Wera, Joris de Wit, Joost Schymkowitz, Frederic Rousseau, Henrik Zetterberg, Jeffrey L Cummings, Wim Annaert, Tom Cornelissen, Hans De Winter, Koen De Witte, Marc Fivaz, Gerard Griffioen
    Science . 2024 May 31
  • publication

    CORDAX web server: An online platform for the prediction and 3D visualization of aggregation motifs in protein sequences

    Nikolaos Louros, Frederic Rousseau, Joost Schymkowitz
    Bioinformatics . 2024 Apr 25
  • publication

    Mechanistic insights into the adaptive evolvability of spore heat resistance in Bacillus cereus sensu lato

    Sadhana Khanal, Tom Dongmin Kim, Katrien Begyn, Wouter Duverger, Gertjan Kramer, Stanley Brul, Andreja Rajkovic, Frank Devlieghere, Marc Heyndrickx, Joost Schymkowitz, Frederic Rousseau, Véronique Broussolle, Chris Michiels, Abram Aertsen
    Int J Food Microbiol . 2024 Apr 15
  • publication

    Integrating physics in deep learning algorithms: a force field as a PyTorch module

    Gabriele Orlando, Luis Serrano, Joost Schymkowitz, Frederic Rousseau
    Bioinformatics . 2024 Mar
  • publication

    CAGI, the Critical Assessment of Genome Interpretation, establishes progress and prospects for computational genetic variant interpretation methods

    CAGI community
    Genome Biol . 2024 Feb
  • publication

    Local structural preferences in shaping tau amyloid polymorphism

    Nikolaos Louros, Martin Wilkinson, Grigoria Tsaka, Meine Ramakers, Chiara Morelli, Teresa Garcia, Rodrigo Gallardo, Sam D'Haeyer, Vera Goossens, Dominique Audenaert, Dietmar Rudolf Thal, Ian R Mackenzie, Rosa Rademakers, Neil A Ranson, Sheena E Radford, Frederic Rousseau, Joost Schymkowitz
    Nat Commun . 2024 Feb 3
  • publication

    N-glycosylation as a eukaryotic protective mechanism against protein aggregation

    Ramon Duran-Romaña, Bert Houben, Matthias De Vleeschouwer, Nikolaos Louros, Matthew P Wilson, Gert Matthijs, Joost Schymkowitz, Frederic Rousseau
    Sci Adv . 2024 Feb 2


  • publication

    LRRC37B is a human modifier of voltage-gated sodium channels and axon excitability in cortical neurons

    Baptiste Libé-Philippot, Amélie Lejeune, Keimpe Wierda, Nikolaos Louros, Emir Erkol, Ine Vlaeminck, Sofie Beckers, Vaiva Gaspariunaite, Angéline Bilheu, Katerina Konstantoulea, Hajnalka Nyitrai, Matthias De Vleeschouwer, Kristel M Vennekens, Niels Vidal, Thomas W Bird, Daniela C Soto, Tom Jaspers, Maarten Dewilde, Megan Y Dennis, Frederic Rousseau, Davide Comoletti, Joost Schymkowitz, Tom Theys, Joris de Wit, Pierre Vanderhaeghen
    Cell . 2023 Dec 21
  • publication

    TDP-43 pathology is associated with increased tau burdens and seeding

    Sandra O Tomé, Grigoria Tsaka, Alicja Ronisz, Simona Ospitalieri, Klara Gawor, Luis Aragão Gomes, Markus Otto, Christine A F von Arnim, Philip Van Damme, Ludo Van Den Bosch, Estifanos Ghebremedhin, Celeste Laureyssen, Kristel Sleegers, Rik Vandenberghe, Frederic Rousseau , Joost Schymkowitz, Dietmar Rudolf Thal
    Mol Neurodegener . 2023 Sep 30
  • publication

    Exploiting the aggregation propensity of beta-lactamases to design inhibitors that induce enzyme misfolding

    Ladan Khodaparast, Laleh Khodaparast, Guiqin Wu, Emiel Michiels, Rodrigo Gallardo, Bert Houben, Teresa Garcia, Matthias De Vleeschouwer, Meine Ramakers, Hannah Wilkinson, Ramon Duran-Romaña, Johan Van Eldere , Frederic Rousseau, Joost Schymkowitz
    Nat Commun Sept 2023
  • publication

    Mechanisms and pathology of protein misfolding and aggregation

    Nikolaos Louros, Joost Schymkowitz, Frederic Rousseau
    Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol
  • publication

    Modulation of hen egg white protein techno-functionality by amyloid formation

    Margarita Monge-Morera, Nele Vluymans, Joëlle A.J. Housmans, Anja Vananroye, Paula Moldenaers, Joost Schymkowitz, Frederic Rousseau, Jan A. Delcour
    Food Hydrocolloids Volume 146, Part A
  • publication

    Improved coalescence and creaming stability of structured oil-in-water emulsions and emulsion gels containing ovalbumin amyloid-like fibrils produced by heat and enzymatic treatments

    Arne M.R. Huyst, Paul Van der Meeren, Joëlle A.J. Housmans, Margarita Monge-Morera, Frederic Rousseau, Joost Schymkowitz, Jan A. Delcour
    Food Hydrocolloids
  • publication

    SNPeffect 5.0: large-scale structural phenotyping of protein coding variants extracted from next-generation sequencing data using AlphaFold models

    Kobe Janssen , Ramon Duran-Romaña, Guy Bottu, Mainak Guharoy, Alexander Botzki , Frederic Rousseau, Joost Schymkowitz
    BMC Bioinformatics . 2023 Jul 18
  • publication

    Amyloid-like p53 as prognostic biomarker in serous ovarian cancer-a study of the OVCAD consortium

    Nicole Heinzl, Elisabeth Maritschnegg, Katarzyna Koziel, Christine Schilhart-Wallisch, Georg Heinze, Wei-Lei Yang, Robert C Bast, Jalid Sehouli, Elena I Braicu, Ignace Vergote, Toon Van Gorp, Sven Mahner, Valentina Paspalj, Christoph Grimm, Eva Obermayr, Eva Schuster, Barbara Holzer, Frederic Rousseau, Joost Schymkowitz, Nicole Concin, Robert Zeillinger
    Oncogene . 2023 Jul 4.
  • publication

    Enhanced therapeutic window for antimicrobial Pept-ins by investigating their structure-activity relationship

    Guiqin Wu,Laleh Khodaparast, Ladan Khodaparast, Matthias De Vleeschouwer, Nikolaos Louros, Rodrigo Gallardo, Pengpeng Yi, Frederic Rousseau, Joost Schymkowitz
    Plos One
  • publication

    Sequence-targeted Peptides Divert Functional Bacterial Amyloid Towards Destabilized Aggregates and Reduce Biofilm Formation

    Thorbjørn V Sønderby, Nikolaos N Louros, Ladan Khodaparast, Laleh Khodaparast, Daniel J Madsen, William P Olsen, Nele Moonen, Madhu Nagaraj, Vita Sereikaite, Kristian Strømgaard, Frederic Rousseau, Joost Schymkowitz, Daniel E Otzen
    J Mol Biol . 2023 Mar 11
  • publication

    Reduced Levels of Misfolded and Aggregated Mutant p53 by Proteostatic Activation

    Evelyne Naus, Marleen Derweduwe, Youlia Lampi, Annelies Claeys, Jarne Pauwels, Tobias Langenberg, Filip Claes, Jie Xu, Veerle Haemels, Zeynep Kalender Atak, Rob van der Kant, Joost Van Durme, Greet De Baets, Keith L Ligon, Mark Fiers, Kris Gevaert, Stein Aerts, Frederic Rousseau, Joost Schymkowitz, Frederik De Smet
    Cells . 2023 Mar 21
  • publication

    EndophilinA-dependent coupling between activity-induced calcium influx and synaptic autophagy is disrupted by a Parkinson-risk mutation

    Adekunle T Bademosi, Marianna Decet, Sabine Kuenen, Carles Calatayud, Jef Swerts, Sandra F Gallego, Nils Schoovaerts, Spyridoula Karamanou, Nikolaos Louros, Ella Martin, Jean-Baptiste Sibarita, Katlijn Vints, Natalia V Gounko, Frédéric A Meunier, Anastassios Economou, Wim Versées, Frederic Rousseau, Joost Schymkowitz, Sandra-F Soukup, Patrik Verstreken
    Neuron . 2023 Feb 15
  • publication

    Exploiting the intrinsic misfolding propensity of the KRAS oncoprotein

    Kobe Janssen, Filip Claes, Dido Van de Velde, Vanessa L Wehbi, Bert Houben, Yulia Lampi, Mieke Nys, Laleh Khodaparast, Ladan Khodaparast, Nikolaos Louros, Rob van der Kant, Joffre Verniers, Teresa Garcia, Meine Ramakers, Katerina Konstantoulea, Katerina Maragkou, Ramon Duran-Romaña, Mónica Musteanu, Mariano Barbacid, Bernard Scorneaux, Els Beirnaert, Joost Schymkowitz, Frederic Rousseau
    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A . 2023 Feb 28
  • publication

    Sodium glutamate and glutamic acid decarboxylase as alternative for classical chemical leavening in wheat (pan)cake batter systems

    Elias Ravier, Thibault Godefroidt, Hung Huy Nguyen, Rob van der Kant, Elien Lemmens, Lomme J. Deleu, Kurt Gebruers, Joost Schymkowitz, Frederic Rousseau, Jan A. Delcour
    Journal of Cereal Science Volume 110, March 2023, 103638


  • publication

    Medin co-aggregates with vascular amyloid-β in Alzheimer's disease

    Jessica Wagner, Karoline Degenhardt, Marleen Veit, Nikolaos Louros, Katerina Konstantoulea, Angelos Skodras, Katleen Wild, Ping Liu, Ulrike Obermüller, Vikas Bansal, Anupriya Dalmia, Lisa M Häsler, Marius Lambert, Matthias De Vleeschouwer, Hannah A Davies, Jillian Madine, Deborah Kronenberg-Versteeg, Regina Feederle, Domenico Del Turco, K Peter R Nilsson, Tammaryn Lashley, Thomas Deller, Marla Gearing, Lary C Walker, Peter Heutink, Frederic Rousseau, Joost Schymkowitz, Mathias Jucker, Jonas J Neher
    Nature . 2022 Nov 16.
  • publication

    Seeding, maturation and propagation of amyloid β-peptide aggregates in Alzheimer's disease

    Xiaohang Li, Simona Ospitalieri, Tessa Robberechts, Linda Hofmann, Christina Schmid, Ajeet Rijal Upadhaya, Marta J Koper, , Christine A F von Arnim, Sathish Kumar, Michael Willem, Kathrin Gnoth, Meine Ramakers, Joost Schymkowitz, Frederic Rousseau, Jochen Walter, Alicja Ronisz, Karthikeyan Balakrishnan, Dietmar Rudolf Thal,
    Brain . 2022 Oct 21
  • publication

    De novo missense variants in the E3 ubiquitin ligase adaptor KLHL20 cause a developmental disorder with intellectual disability, epilepsy, and autism spectrum disorder

    Yoeri Sleyp, Irene Valenzuela, Andrea Accogli, Katleen Ballon, Bruria Ben-Zeev, Samuel F Berkovic, Martin Broly, Patrick Callaerts, Raymond C Caylor, Perrine Charles, Nicolas Chatron, Lior Cohen, Antonietta Coppola, Dawn Cordeiro, Claudia Cuccurullo, Ivon Cuscó, Janette diMonda, Ramon Duran-Romaña, Nina Ekhilevitch, Paula Fernández-Alvarez, Christopher T Gordon, Bertrand Isidor, Boris Keren, Gaetan Lesca, Jarymke Maljaars, Saadet Mercimek-Andrews, Michelle M Morrow, Alison M Muir, University of Washington Center for Mendelian Genomics; Frederic Rousseau, Vincenzo Salpietro, Ingrid E Scheffer, Rhonda E Schnur, Joost Schymkowitz, Erika Souche, Jean Steyaert, Elliot S Stolerman, Jaime Vengoechea, Dorothée Ville, Camerun Washington, Karin Weiss, Rinat Zaid, Lynette G Sadleir, Heather C Mefford, Hilde Peeters
    Genet Med. 2022 Oct 10
  • publication

    Exploiting ligand binding domain dimerization for development of novel androgen receptor inhibitors

    Christine Helsen, Tien Truong Nguyen, Xiao Yin Lee, Roy Eerlings, Nikolaos Louros, Joost Schymkowitz, Frederic Rousseau, Frank Claessens, Arnout Voet
    Mol Cancer Ther . 2022 Oct 11
  • publication

    Investigating the Sequence Determinants of the Curling of Amyloid Fibrils Using Ovalbumin as a Case Study

    Joëlle A J Housmans, Bert Houben, Margarita Monge-Morera, Diego Asvestas, Hung Huy Nguyen, Grigoria Tsaka, Nikolaos Louros, Sebastien Carpentier, Jan A Delcour, Frederic Rousseau, Joost Schymkowitz
    Biomacromolecules . 2022 Aug 26
  • publication

    Impact of heat and enzymatic treatment on ovalbumin amyloid-like fibril formation and enzyme-induced gelation

    Huyst, AMR; Deleu, LJ; Luyckx, T; Meeren, LV; Housmans, JAJ; Grootaert, C; Monge-Morera, M; Delcour, JA; Skirtach, AG; Rousseau, F; Schymkowitz, J; Dewettinck, K; van der Meeren, P
  • publication

    HPMPdb: A machine learning-ready database of protein molecular phenotypes associated to human missense variants

    Daniele Raimondi, Francesco Codicè, Gabriele Orlando, Joost Schymkowitz, Frederic Rousseau, Yves Moreau
    Curr Res Struct Biol . 2022 May 13
  • publication

    The effect of mutation on an aggregation-prone protein: An in vivo, in vitro, and in silico analysis

    N Guthertz, R van der Kant, R M Martinez, Y Xu, C Trinh, B I Iorga, F Rousseau, J Schymkowitz, D J Brockwell, S E Radford
    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A . 2022 May 31
  • publication

    Thermodynamic analysis of amyloid fibril structures reveals a common framework for stability in amyloid polymorphs

    Rob van der Kant, Nikolaos Louros, Joost Schymkowitz, Frederic Rousseau
    Structure . 2022 May 15
  • publication

    Mapping the sequence specificity of heterotypic amyloid interactions enables the identification of aggregation modifiers

    Nikolaos Louros, Meine Ramakers, Emiel Michiels, Katerina Konstantoulea, Chiara Morelli, Teresa Garcia, Nele Moonen, Sam D'Haeyer, Vera Goossens, Dietmar Rudolf Thal, Dominique Audenaert, Frederic Rousseau, Joost Schymkowitz
    Nat Commun . 2022 Mar 15
  • publication

    StAmP-DB: A platform for structures of polymorphic amyloid fibril cores

    Nikolaos Louros, Rob van der Kant, Joost Schymkowitz, Frederic Rousseau
    Bioinformatics . 2022 Feb 23
  • publication

    Bioavailability and Health Impact of Ingested Amyloid-like Protein Fibrils and their Link with Inflammatory Status: a Need for More Research?

    Trui Luyckx, Charlotte Grootaert, Margarita Monge-Morera, Jan A Delcour, Frederic Rousseau, Joost Schymkowitz, John Van Camp
    Mol Nutr Food Res . 2022 Feb
  • publication

    PyUUL provides an interface between biological structures and deep learning algorithms

    Gabriele Orlando, Daniele Raimondi, Ramon Duran-Romaña, Yves Moreau, Joost Schymkowitz, Frederic Rousseau
    Nat Commun . 2022 Feb 18


  • publication

    A guide to studying protein aggregation

    Joëlle A J Housmans, Guiqin Wu, Joost Schymkowitz, Frederic Rousseau
    FEBS J . 2021 Dec 4
  • publication

    Heterotypic amyloid interactions: Clues to polymorphic bias and selective cellular vulnerability?

    Nikolaos Louros, Joost Schymkowitz, Frederic Rousseau
    Curr Opin Struct Biol . 2021 Dec 20
  • publication

    Heterotypic Amyloid β interactions facilitate amyloid assembly and modify amyloid structure

    Katerina Konstantoulea, Patricia Guerreiro, Meine Ramakers, Nikolaos Louros, Liam D Aubrey, Bert Houben, Emiel Michiels, Matthias De Vleeschouwer, Yulia Lampi, Luís F Ribeiro, Joris de Wit, Wei-Feng Xue, Joost Schymkowitz, Frederic Rousseau
    EMBO J . 2021 Nov 29
  • publication

    Highly efficient intercellular spreading of protein misfolding mediated by viral ligand-receptor interactions

    Shu Liu, André Hossinger, Stefanie-Elisabeth Heumüller, Annika Hornberger, Oleksandra Buravlova, Katerina Konstantoulea, Stephan A Müller, Lydia Paulsen, Frederic Rousseau, Joost Schymkowitz, Stefan F Lichtenthaler, Manuela Neumann, Philip Denner, Ina M Vorberg
    Nat Commun . 2021 Oct 19
  • publication

    Bcl-xL acts as an inhibitor of IP 3 R channels, thereby antagonizing Ca 2+-driven apoptosis

    Nicolas Rosa, Hristina Ivanova , Larry E Wagner 2nd, Justin Kale, Rita La Rovere, Kirsten Welkenhuyzen, Nikolaos Louros, Spyridoula Karamanou, Victoria Shabardina, Irma Lemmens, Elien Vandermarliere, Kozo Hamada , Hideaki Ando, Frederic Rousseau, Joost Schymkowitz, Jan Tavernier, Katsuhiko Mikoshiba, Anastassios Economou, David W Andrews, Jan B Parys, David I Yule, Geert Bultynck
    Cell Death Differ . 2021 Nov 8
  • publication

    The cellular modifier MOAG-4/SERF drives amyloid formation through charge complementation

    Anita Pras, Bert Houben, Francesco A Aprile, Renée Seinstra, Rodrigo Gallardo, Leen Janssen, Wytse Hogewerf, Christian Gallrein, Matthias De Vleeschouwer, Alejandro Mata-Cabana, Mandy Koopman, Esther Stroo, Minke de Vries, Samantha Louise Edwards, Janine Kirstein, Michele Vendruscolo, Salvatore Fabio Falsone, Frederic Rousseau, Joost Schymkowitz, Ellen A A Nollen
    EMBO J . 2021 Oct 7;e107568
  • publication

    Protein structure and aggregation: a marriage of necessity ruled by aggregation gatekeepers

    Bert Houben, Frederic Rousseau, Joost Schymkowitz
    Trends Biochem Sci . 2021 Sep
  • publication

    Synthetic Pept-Ins as a Generic Amyloid-Like Aggregation-Based Platform for In Vivo PET Imaging of Intracellular Targets

    Maxime Siemons, Kaat Luyten, Ladan Khodaparast, Laleh Khodaparast, Joan Lecina, Filip Claes, Rodrigo Gallardo, Michel Koole, Meine Ramakers, Joost Schymkowitz, Guy Bormans, Frederic Rousseau
    Bioconjug Chem . 2021 Sep 15
  • publication

    The Dynamic Transition of Persistence toward the Viable but Nonculturable State during Stationary Phase Is Driven by Protein Aggregation

    Liselot Dewachter, Celien Bollen, Dorien Wilmaerts, Elen Louwagie, Pauline Herpels, Paul Matthay, Ladan Khodaparast, Laleh Khodaparast, Frederic Rousseau, Joost Schymkowitz, Jan Michiels
    mBio . 2021 Aug 3
  • publication

    Gene Erosion Can Lead to Gain-of-Function Alleles That Contribute to Bacterial Fitness

    Julien Mortier, Elisa Gayán, Ronald Van Eyken, Oscar Enrique Torres Montaguth, Ladan Khodaparast, Laleh Khodaparast, Bert Houben, Sebastien Carpentier, Frederic Rousseau, Joost Schymkowitz, Abram Aertsen
    mBio. 2021 Jul 6;e0112921
  • publication

    Bacterial Protein Homeostasis Disruption as a Therapeutic Intervention

    Laleh Khodaparast, Guiqin Wu, Ladan Khodaparast, Béla Z Schmidt, Frederic Rousseau, Joost Schymkowitz
    Frontiers in Molecular Bioscience 2021 Jun 2;8:681855
  • publication

    In-silico prediction of in-vitro protein liquid-liquid phase separation experiments outcomes with multi-head neural attention

    Daniele Raimondi, Gabriele Orlando, Emiel Michiels, Donya Pakravan, Anna Bratek-Skicki, Ludo Van Den Bosch, Yves Moreau, Frederic Rousseau, Joost Schymkowitz
    Bioinformatics . 2021 May 13;btab350
  • publication

    Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation Enhances TDP-43 LCD Aggregation but Delays Seeded Aggregation

    Donya Pakravan, Emiel Michiels, Anna Bratek-Skicki, Mathias De Decker, Joris Van Lindt, David Alsteens, Sylvie Derclaye, Philip Van Damme, Joost Schymkowitz, Frederic Rousseau, Peter Tompa, Ludo Van Den Bosch
    Biomolecules . 2021 Apr 8;11(4):548
  • publication

    Impact of hydrothermal treatment on denaturation and aggregation of water-extractable quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) protein

    Julie Van de Vondel, Marlies A. Lambrecht, Joëlle A. J. Housmans, Frederic Rousseau, Joost Schymkowitz, Jan A. Delcour
    Food Hydrocolloids Volume 115, June 2021
  • publication

    MAPRE2 mutations result in altered human cranial neural crest migration, underlying craniofacial malformations in CSC-KT syndrome

    Cedric Thues, Jorge S Valadas, Liesbeth Deaulmerie, Ann Geens, Amit K Chouhan, Ramon Duran-Romaña, Joost Schymkowitz, Frederic Rousseau, Michaela Bartusel, Rizwan Rehimi, Alvaro Rada-Iglesias, Patrik Verstreken, Hilde Van Esch
    Sci Rep. 2021 Mar 2;11(1):4976
  • publication

    Hydrothermal Treatments Cause Wheat Gluten-Derived Peptides to Form Amyloid-like Fibrils

    Marlies A Lambrecht, Margarita Monge-Morera, Thibault Godefroidt, Nele Vluymans, Lomme J Deleu, Peter Goos, Joost Schymkowitz, Frederic Rousseau, Jan A Delcour
    J Agric Food Chem 2021 Feb 17;69(6):1963-1974
  • publication

    Heating Wheat Gluten Promotes the Formation of Amyloid-like Fibrils

    Margarita Monge-Morera, Marlies A Lambrecht, Lomme J Deleu, Nikolaos N Louros, Frederic Rousseau, Joost Schymkowitz, Jan A Delcour
    ACS Omega . 2021 Jan 14;6(3):1823-1833
  • publication

    Targeting S100B with Peptides Encoding Intrinsic Aggregation-Prone Sequence Segments

    Joana S Cristóvão, Mariana A Romão, Rodrigo Gallardo, Joost Schymkowitz, Frederic Rousseau, Cláudio M Gomes
    Molecules . 2021 Jan
  • publication

    Heterotypic interactions in amyloid function and disease

    Katerina Konstantoulea, Nikolaos Louros, Frederic Rousseau, Joost Schymkowitz
    FEBS J
  • publication

    Investigating the mechanism of action of aggregation-inducing antimicrobial Pept-ins

    Guiqin Wu, Laleh Khodaparast, Ladan Khodaparast, Matthias De Vleeschouwer, Joëlle Housmans, Bert Houben, Joost Schymkowitz, Frederic Rousseau
    Cell Chem Biol . 2021 Apr 15


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    Mechanisms and therapeutic potential of interactions between human amyloids and viruses

    Emiel Michiels, Frederic Rousseau, Joost Schymkowitz
    Cell Mol Life Sci . 2020 Nov 26;1-17
  • publication

    Repurposing the antidepressant sertraline as SHMT inhibitor to suppress serine/glycine synthesis addicted breast tumor growth

    Shauni Lien Geeraerts, Kim Rosalie Kampen, Gianmarco Rinaldi, Purvi Gupta, Melanie Planque, Nikolaos Louros, Elien Heylen, Kaat De Cremer, Katrijn De Brucker, Stijn Vereecke, Benno Verbelen, Pieter Vermeersch, Joost Schymkowitz, Frederic Rousseau, David Cassiman, Sarah-Maria Fendt, Arnout Voet, Bruno P A Cammue, Karin Thevissen, Kim De Keersmaecker
    Mol Cancer Ther . 2020 Nov 17
  • publication

    The structural basis for an on-off switch controlling Gβγ-mediated inhibition of TRPM3 channels

    Marc Behrendt, Fabian Gruss, Raissa Enzeroth, Sandeep Dembla, Siyuan Zhao, Pierre-Antoine Crassous, Florian Mohr, Mieke Nys, Nikolaos Louros, Rodrigo Gallardo, Valentina Zorzini, Doris Wagner, Anastassios Economou, Frederic Rousseau, Joost Schymkowitz, Stephan E Philipp, Tibor Rohacs, Chris Ulens, Johannes Oberwinkler
    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A . 2020 Oct 29
  • publication

    Drying mode and hydrothermal treatment conditions govern the formation of amyloid-like protein fibrils in solutions of dried hen egg white

    MargaritaMonge-Morera, Marlies A. Lambrecht, Lomme J. Deleu, Thibault Godefroidt, Peter Goos, Frederic Rousseau, Joost Schymkowitz, Jan A. Delcour
    Food Hydrocolloids Volume 112
  • publication

    Potential human transmission of amyloid β pathology: surveillance and risks

    Elsa Lauwers, Giovanna Lalli, Sebastian Brandner, John Collinge, Veerle Compernolle, Charles Duyckaerts, Gustaf Edgren, Stéphane Haïk, John Hardy, Adel Helmy , Adrian J Ivinson, Zane Jaunmuktane , Mathias Jucker, Richard Knight, Robin Lemmens, I-Chun Lin, Seth Love, Simon Mead, V Hugh Perry, James Pickett, Guy Poppy, Sheena E Radford, Frederic Rousseau, Carol Routledge, Giampietro Schiavo, Joost Schymkowitz, Dennis J Selkoe, Colin Smith, Dietmar R Thal, Tom Theys, Pierre Tiberghien, Peter van den Burg, Philippe Vandekerckhove, Clare Walton, Hans L Zaaijer, Henrik Zetterberg, Bart De Strooper
    Review Lancet Neurol
  • publication

    Structure-based machine-guided mapping of amyloid sequence space reveals uncharted sequence clusters with higher solubilities

    Nikolaos Louros, Gabriele Orlando, Matthias De Vleeschouwer, Frederic Rousseau, Joost Schymkowitz
    Nature Communications 11 (1):3314.
  • publication

    Processing Induced Changes in Food Proteins: Amyloid Formation During Boiling of Hen Egg White

    Margarita Monge-Morera, Marlies A Lambrecht, Lomme J Deleu, Rodrigo Gallardo, Nikolaos N Louros, Matthias De Vleeschouwer, Frederic Rousseau, Joost Schymkowitz, Jan A Delcour
    Biomacromolecules 21 (6):2218-2228.
  • publication

    Reverse Engineering Synthetic Antiviral Amyloids

    Emiel Michiels, Kenny Roose, Rodrigo Gallardo, Ladan Khodaparast, Laleh Khodaparast, Rob van der Kant, Maxime Siemons, Bert Houben, Meine Ramakers, Hannah Wilkinson, Patricia Guerreiro, Nikolaos Louros, Suzanne J F Kaptein, Lorena Itatí Ibañez, Anouk Smet, Pieter Baatsen, Shu Liu, Ina Vorberg, Guy Bormans, Johan Neyts , Xavier Saelens, Frederic Rousseau, Joost Schymkowitz
    Nat Commun. 2020 Jun 5;11(1):2832.
  • publication

    Autonomous Aggregation Suppression by Acidic Residues Explains Why Chaperones Favour Basic Residues

    Bert Houben, Emiel Michiels, Meine Ramakers, Katerina Konstantoulea, Nikolaos Louros, Joffré Verniers, Rob van der Kant, Matthias De Vleeschouwer, Nuno Chicória, Thomas Vanpoucke, Rodrigo Gallardo, Joost Schymkowitz, Frederic Rousseau
    EMBO J 39 (11):e102864
  • publication

    Defective SEC61α1 Underlies a Novel Cause of Autosomal Dominant Severe Congenital Neutropenia

    Erika Van Nieuwenhove, John S Barber, Julika Neumann, Elien Smeets 3, Mathijs Willemsen 2, Emanuela Pasciuto 2, Teresa Prezzemolo 2, Vasiliki Lagou 2, Laura Seldeslachts 4, Bert Malengier-Devlies 5, Mieke Metzemaekers 6, Sarah Haßdenteufel 7, Axelle Kerstens 8, Rob van der Kant 9, Frederic Rousseau 9, Joost Schymkowitz 9, Daniele Di Marino , Sven Lang, Richard Zimmermann, Susan Schlenner, Sebastian Munck, Paul Proost, Patrick Matthys, Christine Devalck, Nancy Boeckx, Frank Claessens, Carine Wouters, Stephanie Humblet-Baron, Isabelle Meyts, Adrian Liston
    J Allergy Clin Immunol . 2020 Apr 20;S0091-6749(20)30488-7
  • publication

    Thermodynamic and Evolutionary Coupling Between the Native and Amyloid State of Globular Proteins

    Tobias Langenberg, Rodrigo Gallardo, Rob van der Kant, Nikolaos Louros, Emiel Michiels, Ramon Duran-Romaña, Bert Houben, Rafaela Cassio, Hannah Wilkinson, Teresa Garcia, Chris Ulens, Joost Van Durme, Frederic Rousseau, Joost Schymkowitz
    Cell Rep . 2020 Apr 14;31(2):107512
  • publication

    Preparation of Amorphous Solid Dispersions by Cryomilling: Chemical and Physical Concerns Related to Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients and Carriers

    Pas T, Bergonzi A, Michiels E, Rousseau F, Schymkowitz J, Koekoekx R, Clasen C, Vergauwen B, Van den Mooter G
    Mol Pharm. 17 (3):1001-1013.
  • publication

    Entropic Bristles Tune the Seeding Efficiency of Prion-Nucleating Fragments.

    Michiels E, Liu S, Gallardo R, Louros N, Mathelié-Guinlet M, Dufrêne Y, Schymkowitz J, Vorberg I, Rousseau F
    Cell Rep. 2020 Feb 25;30(8):2834-2845.e3
  • publication

    Protein Homeostasis Database: protein quality control in E. coli.

    Ramakrishnan R, Houben B, Kreft Ł, Botzki A, Schymkowitz J, Rousseau F
    Bioinformatics 36 (3):948-949.
  • publication

    Nanomaterials to avoid and destroy protein aggregates

    FélixSauvage, JoostSchymkowitz, FredericRousseau, Bela Z.Schmidt. KatrienRemaut, KevinBraeckmans, Stefaan C.De Smedt
    Nanotoday 11 January 2020, 31:14.
  • publication

    WALTZ-DB 2.0: an updated database containing structural information of experimentally determined amyloid-forming peptides

    Louros N, Konstantoulea K, De Vleeschouwer M, Ramakers M, Schymkowitz J, Rousseau F
    Nucleic Acids Res 48 (D1):D389-D393
  • publication

    Exposure of a Cryptic Hsp70 Binding Site Determines the Cytotoxicity of the ALS-associated SOD1-mutant A4V

    Filip Claes, Stanislav Rudyak, Angela S Laird, Nikolaos Louros, Jacinte Beerten, Maja Debulpaep, Emiel Michiels, Rob van der Kant, Joost Van Durme, Greet De Baets, Bert Houben, Meine Ramakers, Kristy Yuan, Serene S L Gwee, Sara Hernandez, Kerensa Broersen, Mikael Oliveberg, Barbara Moahamed, Janine Kirstein, Wim Robberecht, Frederic Rousseau , Joost Schymkowitz
    Protein Engineering, Design & Selection : PEDS 32 (10):443-457.


  • publication

    Differential proteostatic regulation of insoluble and abundant proteins

    Ramakrishnan R, Houben B, Rousseau F, Schymkowitz J
    Bioinformatics 35 (20):4098-4107. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btz214
  • publication

    Adaption of human antibody λ and κ light chain architectures to CDR repertoires

    van der Kant R, Bauer J, Karow-Zwick AR, Kube S, Garidel P, Blech M, Rousseau F, Schymkowitz J
    Protein Engineering, Design, and Selection 2019 Sep 19. 32 (3):109-127. doi:10.1093/protein/gzz012
  • publication

    Structural Basis of the Subcellular Topology Landscape of Escherichia coli.

    Loos MS, Ramakrishnan R, Vranken W, Tsirigotaki A, Tsare EP, Zorzini V, Geyter J, Yuan B, Tsamardinos I, Klappa M, Schymkowitz J, Rousseau F, Karamanou S, Economou A
    Front Microbiol. 2019 Jul 24;10:1670.
  • publication

    Assessing Computational Predictions of the Phenotypic Effect of Cystathionine-beta-Synthase Variants

    Kasak L, Bakolitsa C, Hu Z, Yu C, Rine J, Dimster-Denk DF, Pandey G, De Baets G, Bromberg Y, Cao C, Capriotti E, Casadio R, Van Durme J, Giollo M, Karchin R, Katsonis P, Leonardi E, Lichtarge O, Martelli PL, Masica D, Mooney SD, Olatubosun A, Pal LR, Radivojac P, Rousseau F, Savojardo C, Schymkowitz J, Thusberg J, Tosatto SCE, Vihinen M, Väliaho J, Repo S, Moult J, Brenner SE, Friedberg I
    Hum Mutat. 2019 Jul 13. 40 (9):1530-1545. doi:10.1002/humu.23868
  • publication

    Conditions Governing Food Protein Amyloid Fibril Formation—Part I: Egg and Cereal Proteins

    Koen J.A. Jansens Marlies A. Lambrecht Ine Rombouts Margarita Monge Morera Kristof Brijs Frederic Rousseau Joost Schymkowitz Jan A. Delcour
    Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 18 (4):1256-1276. doi:10.1111/1541-4337.12462
  • publication

    Loss of DPP6 in neurodegenerative dementia: a genetic player in the dysfunction of neuronal excitability

    Cacace R, Heeman B, Van Mossevelde S, De Roeck A, Hoogmartens J, De Rijk P, Gossye H, De Vos K, De Coster W, Strazisar M, De Baets G, Schymkowitz J, Rousseau F, Geerts N, De Pooter T, Peeters K, Sieben A, Martin JJ, Engelborghs S, Salmon E, Santens P, Vandenberghe R, Cras P, P De Deyn P, C van Swieten J, M van Duijn C, van der Zee J, Sleegers K, Van Broeckhoven C; BELNEU Consortium
    Acta Neuropathol. 137 (6):901-918 2019 Mar 14. doi:10.1007/s00401-019-01976-3
  • publication

    Evaluation of [11C]NMS-E973 as a PET tracer for in vivo visualisation of HSP90.

    Vermeulen K, Naus E, Ahamed M, Attili B, Siemons M, Luyten K, Celen S, Schymkowitz J, Rousseau F,, Bormans G
    Theranostics. 2019 Jan 1;9(2):554-572
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    Conditions Governing Food Protein Amyloid Fibril Formation. Part II: Milk and Legume Proteins

    Lambrecht MA, Jansens KJA, Rombouts I, Brijs K, Rousseau F, Schymkowitz J, Delcour JA (2019)
    Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 18(4):1277-1291. doi:10.1111/1541-4337.12465
  • publication

    SolubiS: Optimizing Protein Solubility by Minimal Point Mutations.

    van der Kant R, van Durme J, Rousseau F, Schymkowitz J
    Methods in Molecular Biology. 2019;1873:317-333.


  • publication

    Rational Design of Amyloid-Like Fibrillary Structures for Tailoring Food Protein Techno-Functionality and Their Potential Health Implications

    K. J. A. Jansens, I. Rombouts, C. Grootaert, K. Brijs, J. Van Camp, P. Van der Meeren, F. Rousseau, J. Schymkowitz, and J. A. Delcour
    Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 84–105, Nov. 2018.
  • publication

    Hsp90 Mediates Membrane Deformation and Exosome Release

    Lauwers E, Wang YC, Gallardo R, Van der Kant R, Michiels E, Swerts J, Baatsen P, Zaiter SS, McAlpine SR, Gounko NV, Rousseau F, Schymkowitz J, Verstreken P
    Mol Cell. 2018 Sep 6;71(5):689-702.e9.
  • publication


    Demaegd K, Schymkowitz J, Rousseau F
    Chembiochem. 2018 Aug 22. doi: 10.1002/cbic.201800288
  • publication

    Molecular Dissection of FUS Points at Synergistic Effect of Low-Complexity Domains in Toxicity

    Bogaert E, Boeynaems S, Kato M, Guo L, Caulfield TR, Steyaert J, Scheveneels W, Wilmans N, Haeck W, Hersmus N, Schymkowitz J, Rousseau F, Shorter J, Callaerts P, Robberecht W, Van Damme P, Van Den Bosch L
    Cell Rep. 2018 Jul 17;24(3):529-537.e4.
  • publication

    Protein Phase Separation: A New Phase in Cell Biology

    Boeynaems S, Alberti S, Fawzi NL, Mittag T, Polymenidou M, Rousseau F, Schymkowitz J, Shorter J, Wolozin B, Van Den Bosch L, Tompa P, Fuxreiter M
    Trends Cell Biol. 2018 Mar 27. pii: S0962-8924(18)30028-X
  • publication

    Comprehensive subcellular topologies of polypeptides in Streptomyces

    Tsolis KC, Tsare EP, Orfanoudaki G, Busche T, Kanaki K, Ramakrishnan R, Rousseau F, Schymkowitz J, Rückert C, Kalinowski J, Anné J, Karamanou S, Klapa M, Economou A
    Microb Cell Fact. 2018 Mar 15;17(1):43. doi: 10.1186/s12934-018-0892-0.
  • publication

    Aggregating sequences that occur in many proteins constitute weak spots of bacterial proteostasis

    Khodaparast L, Khodaparast L, Gallardo R, Louros NN, Michiels E, Ramakrishnan R, Ramakers M, Claes F, Young L, Shahrooei M, Wilkinson H, Desager M, Mengistu Tadesse W, Nilsson KPR, Hammarström P, Aertsen A, Carpentier S, Van Eldere J, Rousseau F, Schymkowitz J
    Nat Commun. 2018 Feb 28;9(1):866. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-03131-0.


  • publication

    Nuclear inclusion bodies of mutant and wild-type p53 in cancer: a hallmark of p53 inactivation and proteostasis remodeling by p53 aggregation.

    De Smet F, Saiz Rubio M, Hompes D, Naus E, De Baets G, Langenberg T, Hipp M, Houben B, Claes F, Charbonneau S, Blanco JD, Plaisance S, Ramkissoon S, Ramkissoon L, Simons C, van den Brandt P, Weijenberg M, Van England M, Lambrechts S, Amant F, D'Hoore A, Ligon KL, Sagaert X, Schymkowitz J, Rousseau F
    J Pathol. 2016 Dec 30. doi: 10.1002/path.4872.
  • publication

    Alzheimer's-Causing Mutations Shift Aβ Length by Destabilizing γ-Secretase-Aβn Interactions

    Szaruga M, Munteanu B, Lismont S, Veugelen S, Horré K, Mercken M, Saido TC, Ryan NS, De Vos T, Savvides SN, Gallardo R, Schymkowitz J, Rousseau F, Fox NC, Hopf C, De Strooper B, Chávez-Gutiérrez L
    Cell. 2017 Jul 27;170(3):443-456.e14
  • publication

    Prediction and reduction of the aggregation of monoclonal antibodies

    van der Kant R, Karow-Zwick AR, Van Durme J, Blech M, Gallardo R, Seeliger D, Aßfalg K, Baatsen P, Compernolle G, Gils A, Studts JM, Schulz P, Garidel P, Schymkowitz J, Rousseau F
    J Mol Biol. 2017 Mar 17. pii: S0022-2836(17)30118-3.
  • publication

    Phase Separation of C9orf72 Dipeptide Repeats Perturbs Stress Granule Dynamics

    Boeynaems S, Bogaert E, Kovacs D, Konijnenberg A, Timmerman E, Volkov A, Guharoy M, De Decker M, Jaspers T, Ryan VH, Janke AM, Baatsen P, Vercruysse T, Kolaitis RM, Daelemans D, Taylor JP, Kedersha N, Anderson P, Impens F, Sobott F, Schymkowitz J, Rousseau F, Fawzi NL, Robberecht W, Van Damme P, Tompa P, Van Den Bosch L
    Mol Cell. 2017 Mar 16;65(6):1044-1055.e5.
  • publication

    Selective Knockdowns in Maize by Sequence-Specific Protein Aggregation.

    Camilla Betti, Joost Schymkowitz, Frederic Rousseau, and Eugenia Russinova
    Methods Mol Biol. 2018;1676:109-127
  • publication

    Identifying rescuers of misfolding

    Langenberg, T., Schymkowitz, J. and F. Rousseau
    Nat Biomed Eng, 2017;1:782-783


  • publication

    De novo design of a biologically active amyloid

    Gallardo R, Ramakers M, De Smet F, Claes F, Khodaparast L1, Khodaparast L, Couceiro JR, Langenberg T, Siemons M, Nyström S, Young LJ, Laine RF, Young L, Radaelli E, Benilova I, Kumar M, Staes , Desager M, Beerens M, Vandervoort P, Luttun A, Gevaert K, Bormans G, Dewerchin M, Van Eldere J, Carmeliet P, Vande Velde G, Verfaillie C, Kaminski CF, De Strooper B, Hammarström P, Nilsson KP, Serpell L, Schymkowitz J, Rousseau F
    Science. 2016 Nov 11;354(6313). pii: aah4949.
  • publication

    Solubis: a webserver to reduce protein aggregation through mutation.

    Van Durme J, De Baets G, Van Der Kant R, Ramakers M, Ganesan A, Wilkinson H, Gallardo R, Rousseau F, Schymkowitz J
    Protein Eng Des Sel. 2016 Aug;29(8):285-9.
  • publication

    Frizzled 7 and PIP2 binding by syntenin PDZ2 domain supports Frizzled 7 trafficking and signalling.

    Egea-Jimenez AL, Gallardo R, Garcia-Pino A, Ivarsson Y, Wawrzyniak AM, Kashyap R, Loris R, Schymkowitz J, Rousseau F, Zimmermann P
    Nat Commun. 2016 Jul 8;7:12101.
  • publication

    Restricted Location of PSEN2/γ-Secretase Determines Substrate Specificity and Generates an Intracellular Aβ Pool.

    Sannerud R, Esselens C, Ejsmont P, Mattera R, Rochin L, Tharkeshwar AK, De Baets G, De Wever V, Habets R, Baert V, Vermeire W, Michiels C, Groot AJ, Wouters R, Dillen K, Vints K, Baatsen P, Munck S, Derua R, Waelkens E, Basi GS, Mercken M, Vooijs M, Bollen M, Schymkowitz J, Rousseau F, Bonifacino JS, Van Niel G, De Strooper B, Annaert W
    Cell. 2016 Jun 9. pii: S0092-8674(16)30568-2. doi: 10.1016
  • publication

    From Binding-Induced Dynamic Effects in SH3 Structures to Evolutionary Conserved Sectors.

    Zafra Ruano A, Cilia E, Couceiro JR, Ruiz Sanz J, Schymkowitz J, Rousseau F, Luque I, Lenaerts T
    PLoS Comput Biol. 2016 May 23;12(5):e1004938. doi: 10.1371
  • publication

    Sequence-specific protein aggregation generates defined protein knockdowns in plants.

    Betti C, Vanhoutte I, Coutuer S, De Rycke RM, Mishev K, Vuylsteke M, Aesaert S, Rombaut D, Gallardo R, De Smet F, Xu J, Van Lijsebettens M, Van Breusegem F, Inzé D, Rousseau F, Schymkowitz J, Russinova E
    Plant Physiol. 2016 May 4. pii: pp.00335.2016.
  • publication

    Structural hot spots for the solubility of globular proteins

    Ganesan A, Siekierska A, Beerten J, Brams M, Van Durme J, De Baets G, Van der Kant R, Gallardo R, Ramakers M, Langenberg T, Wilkinson H, De Smet F, Ulens C, Rousseau F, Schymkowitz J
    Nat Commun. 2016 Feb 24;7:10816. doi: 10.1038/ncomms10816.
  • publication

    Drosophila screen connects nuclear transport genes to DPR pathology in c9ALS/FTD

    Boeynaems S, Bogaert E,, Michiels E,, Gijselinck I,, Sieben A, Jovičić A, De Baets G, Scheveneels W, Steyaert J, Cuijt I, Verstrepen KJ, Callaerts P, Rousseau F, Schymkowitz J, Cruts M, Van Broeckhoven C, Van Damme P, Gitler AD, Robberecht W, Van Den Bosch L
    Sci Rep. 2016 Feb 12;6:20877. doi: 10.1038/srep20877.
  • publication

    Post-translational Control of the Temporal Dynamics of Transcription Factor Activity Regulates Neurogenesis.

    Quan XJ, Yuan L, Tiberi L, Claeys A, De Geest N, Yan J, van der Kant R, Xie WR, Klisch TJ, Shymkowitz J, Rousseau F, Bollen M, Beullens M, Zoghbi HY, Vanderhaeghen P, Hassan BA.
    Cell. 2016 Jan 28;164(3):460-75. doi: 10.1016
  • publication

    Protein aggregation: A rescue by chaperones.

    Schymkowitz J, Rousseau F
    Nat Chem Biol. 2016 Jan 19;12(2):58-9


  • publication

    Protein aggregation as an antibiotic design strategy

    Bednarska NG,, Van Eldere J, Gallardo R, Ganesan A, Ramakers M, Vogel I, Baatsen P, Staes A, Goethals M, Hammarström P, Nilsson KP, Gevaert K, Schymkowitz J, Rousseau F
    Mol Microbiol. 2015 Nov 12. doi: 10.1111/mmi.13269
  • publication

    Increased Aggregation Is More Frequently Associated to Human Disease-Associated Mutations Than to Neutral Polymorphisms

    Greet De Baets, Loic Van Doorn, Frederic Rousseau, Joost Schymkowitz
    PLoS Comput Biol. 2015 Sep 4;11(9):e1004374.
  • publication

    Variable Glutamine-Rich Repeats Modulate Transcription Factor Activity

    Gemayel R, Chavali S, Pougach K, Legendre M, Zhu B, Boeynaems S, van der Zande E, Gevaert K, Rousseau F, Schymkowitz J, Babu MM, Verstrepen KJ
    Mol Cell. 2015 Aug 5. pii: S1097-2765(15)00534-1
  • publication

    Amyloids or Prions? That is the Question.

    Sabate R, Rousseau F, Schymkowitz J, Batlle C, Ventura S.
    Prion 2015 Jun 3:0
  • publication

    PrionW: a server to identify proteins containing glutamine/asparagine rich prion-like domains and their amyloid cores

    Zambrano R, Conchillo-Sole O, Iglesias V, Illa R, Rousseau F, Schymkowitz J, Sabate R, Daura X, Ventura S.
    Nucleic Acids Res. 2015 May 14. pii: gkv490.
  • publication

    Solubis: optimize your protein

    De Baets G, Van Durme J, van der Kant R, Schymkowitz J, Rousseau F2
    Bioinformatics. 2015 Mar 19. pii: btv162. [Epub ahead of print]
  • publication

    Structure of the Extracellular Domain of Matrix Protein 2 of Influenza A Virus in Complex with a Protective Monoclonal Antibody

    Cho KJ, Schepens B, Seok JH, Kim S, Roose K, Lee JH, Gallardo R, Hamme EV, Schymkowitz J, Rousseau F, Fiers W, Saelens X, Kim KH
    J Virol. 2015 Jan 21. pii: JVI.02576-14.
  • publication

    WALTZ-DB: a benchmark database of amyloidogenic hexapeptides.

    Beerten J, Van Durme J, Gallardo R, Capriotti E, Serpell L, Rousseau F, Schymkowitz J4
    Bioinformatics 2015 Jan 18. pii: btv027
  • publication

    What Makes a Protein Sequence a Prion?

    Raimon Sabate, Frederic Rousseau, Joost Schymkowitz, Salvador Ventura
    PLoS Comput Biol. 2015 Jan 8;11(1):e1004013.


  • publication

    Sequence-dependent internalisation of aggregating peptides.

    Couceiro JR, Gallardo R, De Smet F, De Baets G, Baatsen P, Annaert W, Roose K, Saelens X, Schymkowitz J, Rousseau F.
    J Biol Chem. 2014 Nov 12. pii: jbc.M114.586636.
  • publication

    The Alzheimer Disease Protective Mutation A2T Modulates Kinetic and Thermodynamic Properties of Amyloid-β (Aβ) Aggregation.

    Benilova I, Gallardo R, Ungureanu AA, Castillo Cano V, Snellinx A, Ramakers M, Bartic C, Rousseau F, Schymkowitz J, De Strooper B.
    J Biol Chem. 2014 Nov 7;289(45):30977-89
  • publication

    Selectivity of Aggregation-Determining Interactions.

    Ganesan A, Debulpaep M, Wilkinson H, Van Durme J, De Baets G, Jonckheere W, Ramakers M, Ivarsson Y, Zimmermann P, Van Eldere J, Schymkowitz J, Rousseau F.
    J Mol Biol. 2014.09.027
  • publication

    Predicting aggregation-prone sequences in proteins.

    De Baets G, Schymkowitz J, Rousseau F.
    Essays Biochem. 2014 Aug 18;56(1):41-52
  • publication

    A genome-wide sequence-structure analysis suggests aggregation gatekeepers constitute an evolutionary constrained functional class

    De Baets G, Van Durme J, Rousseau F, Schymkowitz J
    J Mol Biol. 2014 Jun 12;426(12):2405-12.
  • publication

    Horizontal gene transfer from human host to HIV-1 reverse transcriptase confers drug resistance and partly compensates for replication deficits.

    Megens S, Vaira D, De Baets G, Dekeersmaeker N, Schrooten Y, Li G, Schymkowitz J, Rousseau F, Vandamme AM, Moutschen M, Van Laethem K
    Virology. 2014 May;456-457:310-8.


  • publication

    Protein-Peptide Complex Prediction through Fragment Interaction Patterns.

    Verschueren E, Vanhee P, Rousseau F, Schymkowitz J, Serrano L.
    Structure. 2013 Apr 9. pii: S0969-2126(13)00081-6.
  • publication

    Protein aggregation in bacteria: the thin boundary between functionality and toxicity

    Bednarska NG, Schymkowitz J, Rousseau F, Van Eldere J.
    Microbiology. 2013 Sep:1795-806.
  • publication

    Molecular Mechanism of SSR128129E, an Extracellularly Acting, Small-Molecule, Allosteric Inhibitor of FGF Receptor Signaling

    Herbert C, Schieborr U, Saxena K, Juraszek J, De Smet F, Alcouffe C, Bianciotto M, Saladino G, Sibrac D, Kudlinzki D, Sreeramulu S, Brown A, Rigon P, Herault JP, Lassalle G, Blundell TL, Rousseau F, Gils A, Schymkowitz J, Tompa P, Herbert JM, Carmeliet P, Gervasio FL, Schwalbe H, Bono F.
    Cancer Cell. 2013 Apr 15;23(4):489-501.
  • publication

    Exploring the sequence-structure relationship for amyloid peptides.

    Morris KL, Rodger A, Hicks MR, Debulpaep M, Schymkowitz J, Rousseau F, Serpell LC.
    Biochem J. 2013 Mar 1;450(2):275-83.
  • publication

    Motif discovery with data mining in 3d protein structure databases: discovery, validation and prediction of the u-shape zinc binding ("huf-zinc") motif.

    Maurer-Stroh S, Gao H, Han H, Baeten L, Schymkowitz J, Rousseau F, Zhang L, Eisenhaber F.
    J Bioinform Comput Biol. 2013 Feb;11(1):1340008
  • publication

    Aggregation prone regions and gatekeeping residues in protein sequences.

    Beerten J, Schymkowitz J, Rousseau F.
    Curr Top Med Chem. 2013 Jan 4.


  • publication

    A comparative analysis of the aggregation behavior of amyloid-β peptide variants

    Vandersteen A, Hubin E, Sarroukh R, Baets GD, Schymkowitz J, Rousseau F, Subramaniam V, Raussens V, Wenschuh H, Wildemann D, Broersen K.
    FEBS Lett. 2012 Oct 24.
  • publication

    Peptides based on the presenilin-APP binding domain inhibit APP processing and Aβ production through interfering with the APP transmembrane domain.

    Esselens C, Sannerud R, Gallardo R, Baert V, Kaden D, Serneels L, De Strooper B, Rousseau F, Multhaup G, Schymkowitz J, Langedijk JP, Annaert W.
    FASEB J. 2012 Sep;26(9):3765-78.
  • publication

    Molecular plasticity regulates oligomerization and cytotoxicity of the multi-peptide length Aβ pool

    Vandersteen A, Masman MF, De Baets G, Jonckheere W, Van der Werf K, Marrink SJ, Rozenski J, Benilova I, De Strooper B, Subramaniam V, Schymkowitz J, Rousseau F, Broersen K.
    J Biol Chem. 2012 Sep 19
  • publication

    α-Galactosidase Aggregation Is a Determinant of Pharmacological Chaperone Efficacy on Fabry Disease Mutants.

    Siekierska A, De Baets G, Reumers J, Gallardo R, Rudyak S, Broersen K, Couceiro J, Van Durme J, Schymkowitz J, Rousseau F.
    J Biol Chem. 2012 Aug 17;287(34):28386-97.
  • publication

    Aggregation gatekeepers modulate protein homeostasis of aggregating sequences and affect bacterial fitness

    Beerten J, Jonckheere W, Rudyak S, Xu J, Wilkinson H, De Smet F, Schymkowitz J, Rousseau F.
    Protein Eng Des Sel. 2012 Jul;25(7):357-66.
  • publication

    The mechanism of γ-Secretase dysfunction in familial Alzheimer disease

    Chávez-Gutiérrez L, Bammens L, Benilova I, Vandersteen A, Benurwar M, Borgers M, Lismont S, Zhou L, Van Cleynenbreugel S, Esselmann H, Wiltfang J, Serneels L, Karran E, Gijsen H, Schymkowitz J, Rousseau F, Broersen K, De Strooper B
    EMBO J. 2012 Apr 13;31(10):2261-74.
  • publication

    Structural basis for increased toxicity of pathological Aβ42:Aβ40 ratios in Alzheimer's disease

    Pauwels K, Williams TL, Morris KL, Jonckheere W, Vandersteen A, Kelly G, Schymkowitz J, Rousseau F, Pastore A, Serpell LC, Broersen K.
    J Biol Chem. 2012 Feb 17;287(8):5650-60
  • publication

    SNPeffect 4.0: on-line prediction of molecular and structural effects of protein-coding variants

    De Baets G, Van Durme J, Reumers J, Maurer-Stroh S, Vanhee P, Dopazo J, Schymkowitz J, Rousseau F
    Nucleic Acids Res. 2012 Jan;40(1):D935-9.
  • publication

    Implications of 3D domain swapping for protein folding, misfolding and function

    Rousseau F, Schymkowitz J, Itzhaki LS.
    Adv Exp Med Biol. 2012;747:137-52.


  • publication

    A standardized and biocompatible preparation of aggregate-free amyloid beta peptide for biophysical and biological studies of Alzheimer's disease

    Broersen K, Jonckheere W, Rozenski J, Vandersteen A, Pauwels K, Pastore A, Rousseau F, Schymkowitz J
    Protein Eng Des Sel. 2011 Sep;24(9):743-50.
  • publication

    An Evolutionary Trade-Off between Protein Turnover Rate and Protein Aggregation Favors a Higher Aggregation Propensity in Fast Degrading Proteins

    De Baets G, Reumers J, Delgado Blanco J, Dopazo J, Schymkowitz J, Rousseau F.
    PLoS Comput Biol. 2011 Jun;7(6):e1002090.
  • publication

    Computational design of peptide ligands.

    Vanhee P, van der Sloot AM, Verschueren E, Serrano L, Rousseau F, Schymkowitz J.
    Trends Biotechnol. 2011 May;29(5):231-9.
  • publication

    Redox proteomics of protein-bound methionine oxidation.

    Ghesquiere B, Jonckheere V, Colaert N, Van Durme J, Timmerman E, Goethals M, Schymkowitz J, Rousseau F, Vandekerckhove J, Gevaert K.
    Mol Cell Proteomics. 2011 May;10(5):M110.006866
  • publication

    Gain of function of mutant p53 by coaggregation with multiple tumor suppressors.

    Xu J, Reumers J, Couceiro JR, De Smet F, Gallardo R, Rudyak S, Cornelis A, Rozenski J, Zwolinska A, Marine JC, Lambrechts D, Suh YA, Rousseau F, Schymkowitz J.
    Nat Chem Biol. 2011 May;7(5):285-95.
  • publication

    A graphical interface for the FoldX forcefield.

    Van Durme J, Delgado J, Stricher F, Serrano L, Schymkowitz J, Rousseau F.
    Bioinformatics 2011;27(12): 1711-1712
  • publication

    Protein design with fragment databases

    Verschueren E, Vanhee P, van der Sloot AM, Serrano L, Rousseau F, Schymkowitz J
    Curr Opin Struct Biol. 2011 21:1-8
  • publication

    BriX: a database of protein building blocks for structural analysis, modeling and design.

    Vanhee P, Verschueren E, Baeten L, Stricher F, Serrano L, Rousseau F, Schymkowitz J.
    Nucleic Acids Res. 2011 Jan;39(Database issue):D435-42.


  • publication

    Neurotoxicity of Alzheimer's disease Aβ peptides is induced by small changes in the Aβ42 to Aβ40 ratio.

    Kuperstein I, Broersen K, Benilova I, Rozenski J, Jonckheere W, Debulpaep M, Vandersteen A, Segers-Nolten I, Van Der Werf K, Subramaniam V, Braeken D, Callewaert G, Bartic C, D'Hooge R, Martins IC, Rousseau F, Schymkowitz J, De Strooper B.
    EMBO J. 2010 Oct 6;29(19):3408-20.
  • publication

    The culprit behind amyloid beta peptide related neurotoxicity in Alzheimer's disease: oligomer size or conformation?

    Broersen K, Rousseau F, Schymkowitz J.
    Alzheimers Res Ther. 2010 Jul 14;2(4):12.
  • publication

    Increased monomerization of mutant HSPB1 leads to protein hyperactivity in Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy.

    Almeida-Souza L, Goethals S, de Winter V, Dierick I, Gallardo R, Van Durme J, Irobi J, Gettemans J, Rousseau F, Schymkowitz J, Timmerman V, Janssens S.
    J Biol Chem. 2010 Apr 23;285(17):12778-86.
  • publication

    Exploring the sequence determinants of amyloid structure using position-specific scoring matrices.

    Maurer-Stroh S, Debulpaep M, Kuemmerer N, Lopez de la Paz M, Martins IC, Reumers J, Morris KL, Copland A, Serpell L, Serrano L, Schymkowitz JW, Rousseau F.
    Nat Methods. 2010 Mar;7(3):237-42.
  • publication

    Structural diversity of PDZ-lipid interactions.

    Gallardo R, Ivarsson Y, Schymkowitz J, Rousseau F, Zimmermann P.
    Chembiochem. 2010 Mar 1;11(4):456-67. Review.
  • publication

    PepX: a structural database of non-redundant protein-peptide complexes.

    Vanhee P, Reumers J, Stricher F, Baeten L, Serrano L, Schymkowitz J, Rousseau F.
    Nucleic Acids Res. 2010 Jan;38(Database issue):D545-51.


  • publication

    Proteome-wide substrate analysis indicates substrate exclusion as a mechanism to generate caspase-7 versus caspase-3 specificity.

    Demon D, Van Damme P, Vanden Berghe T, Deceuninck A, Van Durme J, Verspurten J, Helsens K, Impens F, Wejda M, Schymkowitz J, Rousseau F, Madder A, Vandekerckhove J, Declercq W, Gevaert K, Vandenabeele P.
    Mol Cell Proteomics. 2009 Dec;8(12):2700-14.
  • publication

    Using structural bioinformatics to investigate the impact of non synonymous SNPs and disease mutations: scope and limitations.

    Reumers J, Schymkowitz J, Rousseau F.
    BMC Bioinformatics. 2009 Aug 27;10 Suppl 8:S9.
  • publication

    Protein-peptide interactions adopt the same structural motifs as monomeric protein folds.

    Vanhee P, Stricher F, Baeten L, Verschueren E, Lenaerts T, Serrano L, Rousseau F, Schymkowitz J.
    Structure. 2009 Aug 12;17(8):1128-36.
  • publication

    Accurate prediction of DnaK-peptide binding via homology modelling and experimental data.

    Van Durme J, Maurer-Stroh S, Gallardo R, Wilkinson H, Rousseau F, Schymkowitz J.
    PLoS Comput Biol. 2009 Aug;5(8):e1000475.
  • publication

    Protein domains as information processing units.

    Lenaerts T, Schymkowitz J, Rousseau F.
    Curr Protein Pept Sci. 2009 Apr;10(2):133-45.
  • publication

    Protein sequences encode safeguards against aggregation.

    Reumers J, Maurer-Stroh S, Schymkowitz J, Rousseau F.
    Hum Mutat. 2009 Mar;30(3):431-7.
  • publication

    Analysis of protein processing by N-terminal proteomics reveals novel species-specific substrate determinants of granzyme B orthologs.

    Van Damme P, Maurer-Stroh S, Plasman K, Van Durme J, Colaert N, Timmerman E, De Bock PJ, Goethals M, Rousseau F, Schymkowitz J, Vandekerckhove J, Gevaert K.
    Mol Cell Proteomics. 2009 Feb;8(2):258-72.
  • publication

    Information theoretical quantification of cooperativity in signalling complexes.

    Lenaerts T, Ferkinghoff-Borg J, Schymkowitz J, Rousseau F.
    BMC Syst Biol. 2009 Jan 16;3:9.


  • publication

    ALS precursor finally shaken into fibrils.

    Rousseau F, Schymkowitz J, Oliveberg M.
    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 Dec 2;105(48):18649-50.
  • publication

    Quantifying information transfer by protein domains: analysis of the Fyn SH2 domain structure.

    Lenaerts T, Ferkinghoff-Borg J, Stricher F, Serrano L, Schymkowitz JW, Rousseau F.
    BMC Struct Biol. 2008 Oct 8;8:43.
  • publication

    Hybrid N-glycans on the host protective activation-associated secreted proteins of Ostertagia ostertagi and their importance in immunogenicity.

    Meyvis Y, Callewaert N, Gevaert K, Timmerman E, Van Durme J, Schymkowitz J, Rousseau F, Vercruysse J, Claerebout E, Geldhof P.
    Mol Biochem Parasitol. 2008 Sep;161(1):67-71.
  • publication

    Genetic variability in progranulin contributes to risk for clinically diagnosed Alzheimer disease.

    Brouwers N, Sleegers K, Engelborghs S, Maurer-Stroh S, Gijselinck I, van der Zee J, Pickut BA, Van den Broeck M, Mattheijssens M, Peeters K, Schymkowitz J, Rousseau F, Martin JJ, Cruts M, De Deyn PP, Van Broeckhoven C.
    Neurology. 2008 Aug 26;71(9):656-64.
  • publication

    Progranulin genetic variability contributes to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

    Sleegers K, Brouwers N, Maurer-Stroh S, van Es MA, Van Damme P, van Vught PW, van der Zee J, Serneels S, De Pooter T, Van den Broeck M, Cruts M, Schymkowitz J, De Jonghe P, Rousseau F, van den Berg LH, Robberecht W, Van Broeckhoven C.
    Neurology. 2008 Jul 22;71(4):253-9.
  • publication

    Genetic variability in the mitochondrial serine protease HTRA2 contributes to risk for Parkinson disease.

    Bogaerts V, Nuytemans K, Reumers J, Pals P, Engelborghs S, Pickut B, Corsmit E, Peeters K, Schymkowitz J, De Deyn PP, Cras P, Rousseau F, Theuns J, Van Broeckhoven C.
    Hum Mutat. 2008 Jun;29(6):832-40.
  • publication

    Reconstruction of protein backbones from the BriX collection of canonical protein fragments.

    Baeten L, Reumers J, Tur V, Stricher F, Lenaerts T, Serrano L, Rousseau F, Schymkowitz J.
    PLoS Comput Biol. 2008 May 23;4(5):e1000083.
  • publication

    Analysis of the transthyretin-like (TTL) gene family in Ostertagia ostertagi - Comparison with other strongylid nematodes and Caenorhabditis elegans.

    Saverwyns H, Visser A, Van Durme J, Power D, Morgado I, Kennedy MW, Knox DP, Schymkowitz J, Rousseau F, Gevaert K, Vercruysse J, Claerebout E, Geldhof P.
    Int J Parasitol. 2008 May 10.
  • publication

    Genome-wide prediction of SH2 domain targets using structural information and the FoldX algorithm.

    Sánchez IE, Beltrao P, Stricher F, Schymkowitz J, Ferkinghoff-Borg J, Rousseau F, Serrano L.
    PLoS Comput Biol. 2008 Apr 4;4(4):e1000052.
  • publication

    Lipids revert inert Abeta amyloid fibrils to neurotoxic protofibrils that affect learning in mice.

    Martins IC, Kuperstein I, Wilkinson H, Maes E, Vanbrabant M, Jonckheere W, Van Gelder P, Hartmann D, D'Hooge R, De Strooper B, Schymkowitz J, Rousseau F.
    EMBO J. 2008 Jan 9;27(1):224-33.
  • publication

    Joint annotation of coding and non-coding single nucleotide polymorphisms and mutations in the SNPeffect and PupaSuite databases.

    Reumers J, Conde L, Medina I, Maurer-Stroh S, Van Durme J, Dopazo J, Rousseau F, Schymkowitz J.
    Nucleic Acids Res. 2008 Jan;36(Database issue):D825-9.


  • publication

    Mutations other than null mutations producing a pathogenic loss of progranulin in frontotemporal dementia.

    van der Zee J, Le Ber I, Maurer-Stroh S, Engelborghs S, Gijselinck I, Camuzat A, Brouwers N, Vandenberghe R, Sleegers K, Hannequin D, Dermaut B, Schymkowitz J, Campion D, Santens P, Martin JJ, Lacomblez L, De Pooter T, Peeters K, Mattheijssens M, Vercelletto M, Van den Broeck M, Cruts M, et al.
    Hum Mutat. 2007 Apr;28(4):416.


  • publication

    Domain swapping in p13suc1 results in formation of native-like, cytotoxic aggregates.

    Rousseau F, Wilkinson H, Villanueva J, Serrano L, Schymkowitz JW, Itzhaki LS.
    J Mol Biol. 2006 Oct 20;363(2):496-505.
  • publication

    SNPeffect v2.0: a new step in investigating the molecular phenotypic effects of human non-synonymous SNPs.

    Reumers J, Maurer-Stroh S, Schymkowitz J, Rousseau F.
    Bioinformatics. 2006 Sep 1;22(17):2183-5.
  • publication

    PupaSuite: finding functional single nucleotide polymorphisms for large-scale genotyping purposes.

    Conde L, Vaquerizas JM, Dopazo H, Arbiza L, Reumers J, Rousseau F, Schymkowitz J, Dopazo J.
    Nucleic Acids Res. 2006 Jul 1;34(Web Server issue):W621-5.
  • publication

    Protein aggregation and amyloidosis: confusion of the kinds?

    Rousseau F, Schymkowitz J, Serrano L.
    Curr Opin Struct Biol. 2006 Feb;16(1):118-26. Review.
  • publication

    How evolutionary pressure against protein aggregation shaped chaperone specificity.

    Rousseau F, Serrano L, Schymkowitz JW.
    J Mol Biol. 2006 Feb 3;355(5):1037-47. Epub 2005 Nov 28.


  • publication

    Prediction of water and metal binding sites and their affinities by using the Fold-X force field.

    Schymkowitz JW, Rousseau F, Martins IC, Ferkinghoff-Borg J, Stricher F, Serrano L.
    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2005 Jul 19;102(29):10147-52.
  • publication

    The FoldX web server: an online force field.

    Schymkowitz J, Borg J, Stricher F, Nys R, Rousseau F, Serrano L.
    Nucleic Acids Res. 2005 Jul 1;33(Web Server issue):W382-8.
  • publication

    Recognizing and defining true Ras binding domains II: in silico prediction based on homology modelling and energy calculations.

    Kiel C, Wohlgemuth S, Rousseau F, Schymkowitz J, Ferkinghoff-Borg J, Wittinghofer F, Serrano L.
    J Mol Biol. 2005 May 6;348(3):759-75.
  • publication

    A systems biology perspective on protein structural dynamics and signal transduction.

    Rousseau F, Schymkowitz J.
    Curr Opin Struct Biol. 2005 Feb;15(1):23-30. Review.
  • publication

    SNPeffect: a database mapping molecular phenotypic effects of human non-synonymous coding SNPs.

    Reumers J, Schymkowitz J, Ferkinghoff-Borg J, Stricher F, Serrano L, Rousseau F.
    Nucleic Acids Res. 2005 Jan 1;33(Database issue):D527-32.


  • publication

    Prediction of sequence-dependent and mutational effects on the aggregation of peptides and proteins.

    Fernandez-Escamilla AM, Rousseau F, Schymkowitz J, Serrano L.
    Nat Biotechnol. 2004 Oct;22(10):1302-6.
  • publication

    A comparative study of the relationship between protein structure and beta-aggregation in globular and intrinsically disordered proteins.

    Linding R, Schymkowitz J, Rousseau F, Diella F, Serrano L.
    J Mol Biol. 2004 Sep 3;342(1):345-53.
  • publication

    Intermediates control domain swapping during folding of p13suc1.

    Rousseau F, Schymkowitz JW, Wilkinson HR, Itzhaki LS.
    J Biol Chem. 2004 Feb 27;279(9):8368-77.


  • publication

    The unfolding story of three-dimensional domain swapping.

    Rousseau F, Schymkowitz JW, Itzhaki LS.
    Structure. 2003 Mar;11(3):243-51. Review.


  • publication

    Surfing on protein folding energy landscapes.

    Schymkowitz JW, Rousseau F, Serrano L.
    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2002 Dec 10;99(25):15846-8.
  • publication

    Characterisation of the BRCT domains of the breast cancer susceptibility gene product BRCA1.

    Ekblad CM, Wilkinson HR, Schymkowitz JW, Rousseau F, Freund SM, Itzhaki LS.
    J Mol Biol. 2002 Jul 12;320(3):431-42.
  • publication

    The structure of the transition state for folding of domain-swapped dimeric p13suc1.

    Rousseau F, Schymkowitz JW, Wilkinson HR, Itzhaki LS.
    Structure. 2002 May;10(5):649-57.
  • publication

    Folding and association of the human cell cycle regulatory proteins ckshs1 and ckshs2.

    Seeliger MA, Schymkowitz JW, Rousseau F, Wilkinson HR, Itzhaki LS.
    Biochemistry. 2002 Jan 29;41(4):1202-10.


  • publication

    Observation of signal transduction in three-dimensional domain swapping.

    Schymkowitz JW, Rousseau F, Wilkinson HR, Friedler A, Itzhaki LS.
    Nat Struct Biol. 2001 Oct;8(10):888-92.
  • publication

    Three-dimensional domain swapping in p13suc1 occurs in the unfolded state and is controlled by conserved proline residues.

    Rousseau F, Schymkowitz JW, Wilkinson HR, Itzhaki LS.
    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2001 May 8;98(10):5596-601.


  • publication

    Sequence conservation provides the best prediction of the role of proline residues in p13suc1.

    Schymkowitz JW, Rousseau F, Itzhaki LS.
    J Mol Biol. 2000 Aug 4;301(1):199-204.
  • publication

    The folding pathway of the cell-cycle regulatory protein p13suc1: clues for the mechanism of domain swapping.

    Schymkowitz JW, Rousseau F, Irvine LR, Itzhaki LS.
    Structure. 2000 Jan 15;8(1):89-100.


  • publication

    Stability and folding of the cell cycle regulatory protein, p13(suc1).

    Rousseau F, Schymkowitz JW, Sánchez del Pino M, Itzhaki LS.
    J Mol Biol. 1998 Nov 27;284(2):503-19.